Mother's Day

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Edgar Albert Guest

Let every day be Mother's Day!
Make roses grow along her way
And beauty everywhere.

Oh, never let her eyes be wet
With tears of sorrow or regret,
And never cease to care!

Come, grown up children, and rejoice
That you can hear your mother's voice!
A day for her! For you she gave
Long years of love and service brave;

For you her youth was spent.
There was no weight of hurt or care
Too heavy for her strength to bear;
She followed where you went;

Her courage and her love sublime
You could depend on all the time.
No day or night she set apart
On which to open wide her heart

And welcome you within;
There was no hour you would not be
First in her thought and memory,
Though you were black as sin!

Though skies were gray or skies were blue
Not once has she forgotten you.
Let every day be Mother's Day!
With love and roses strew her way,

And smiles of joy and pride!
Come, grown up children, to the knee
Where long ago you used to be
And never turn aside;

Oh, never let her eyes grow wet
With tears, because her babes forget.